Friday, January 24, 2014


In Cleveland propane retailers are fearing that the winter storm coming through will cause more propane shortages through out the northeast. People are concerned about not getting knowing if they will get propane or not. John Kasich the governor of Ohio declared and emergency to expedite propane shipments. 25 other states have took the same steps as Ohio. Propane is used in over 12 million households all over America. According to a industry trade group. Prices of propane In January are up 50% in just one week. Supplies though are 40% below average. Propane supplies were already low due to the polor vortex awhile back. That made prices jump up to 17% more then last year. Prices did average to $2.86 a gallon last week but now is $3.47 a gallon. Cold wether isnt the only reason for the propane shortages and prices.  In Minnesota they used propane to dry 1.33 million bushels of corn according to the Minnesota farm guide.

To me id really like for it to actually snow and stick so I can play in it. But it would really suck if we lost ower propane during all of it cuz then me and my family would probably freeze. Theres the good and the bad to having this storm come through.  The good is that people who like cold whether and the Snow get to enjoy it.  The bad is the people tend to either lose power, lose propane, get snowed in, or run out of food and cant go get any more. We are in the south so we dint get hit as bad as the north does.  Some places up north have a foot of snow.  So they probably dont have school and people that work are stuck at home not making money or not spending money so that messes up the circulation of money and is hurting every one all togther even if you arnt stuck in the snow.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Polar Vortex

The Polar Vortex that has happened over the last week or so will take a 5 billion or more dollar chunk out of the economy. People have not been able to go on vacations, go out to eat, or travel on airplanes. Some parts of the country have been colder then  it is in the South Pole. About 200 million people were affected by the Polar Vortex. People are huddled down at their houses praying that the power lines don't get knocked out so they can stay warm. Many people are not so fortunate they are having to stay in a shelter with hundreds or so other people. Consumer spending has went way down. Heating bills are going to be high. Places are not getting any business.